Monday, October 29, 2007

Where Do You Get Your Computing News?

Hi All,

I run Linux, and open source applications as my open source computing solution.

The things that I read are:

/. - Slashdot @
Linux Today @
Linux Mint @
Joomla! - my Web Site software @
WordPress my new Blog tool @

So, what does every one else follow or read?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

One Laptop Per Child – Good Enough For The US?

The “One Laptop Per Child” (OLPC) has come out of the MIT labs as the savior of Third World children and the educational process enabling underdeveloped nations to allow their children computing, and Internet access.

Spokes people have been shown on CBS's “60 Minutes”, and every once in the while on National Public Radio (NPR). The idea, as well as, the pricing model is, in fact, revolutionary e.g. $100 - $200 per Laptop running Linux and open source applications.

Has there been any successful program implementation of mass scale distribution of such computers here in the US? If so, was that by state, federal, local mandate that everyone gets a cheap PC.? Thing about this for a minute.

The reason that I ask is simple. I've lived, and worked in third world Nations. Oh, ten years in Europe, and another 10 years in Asia. Let's forget India, and Brazil as places to explore. These countries have greatly growing economies. India has Bangalore – the Silicon Valley of India, and they write all the code out there from Unix to accepting your accounting, and Bank applications. Brazil is the largest economy in Latin and South America. There is extreme poverty to be sure.

Why wasn't China, Taiwan or Malaysia, Nepal, Costa Rico, etc. mentioned. They are “Third World” Nations to some. Simply put our idea of the “Third World” has gotten that much smaller. So small, in fact, that we have forgotten us here at home.

I've lived and worked in over 80+ countries around the planet. I've read nations are now seeking tender offers from other countries to fulfill their needs. Wasn't that their original plan? That is, the best for their children anyway? But, is our answer their answer?

My ideas of the world have changed. Let's back to Home. Support us here in the US, and as said before has anyone implemented the OLPC program here?